man fixing telephone wire


Safety management

Our Safety Management System (SMS) is built on the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System model. The SMS covers functional elements in the areas of leadership, structure, and processes and actions. It provides a consistent framework for our safety management expectations. During 2019 approximately 62 percent of our locations have elected to formally certify their SMS to the OHSAS 18001/ISOS 45001 international standard.

Our SMS requires each business to:
  • Establish and maintain procedures for the identification and reduction of health and safety risks;
  • Investigate work-related injuries and incidents;
  • Have consistent global methods for managing occupational health;
  • Implement our policy of conducting all business in a responsible manner, free from controllable hazards;
  • Respect the health and safety of all AES people, contractors, customers, suppliers, and community neighbors of AES businesses;
  • Introduce safety criteria in procurement and contractual requirements;
  • Comply with all applicable health and safety laws and regulations of countries where our businesses operate; and
  • Achieve AES’ vision of being a recognized global leader for progressive, best-in-class health and safety practices.


At the core of our SMS are the safety beliefs and safety principles, which we established to continuously reinforce the importance of safety.

Safety performance reporting

We believe all occupational incidents are preventable, which is why we have instituted several programs targeted to proactive safety practices. Our safety incident reporting is substantially based on U.S. OSHA reporting requirements (29 CFR 1904) and tracks proactive and reactive safety metrics.

Some of our proactive safety metrics include safety walk performance, identification of unsafe behaviors and conditions, near-miss incidents, and progress on safety action plans. These metrics aim to prevent the occurrence of incidents and injuries.

Reactive metrics are considered opportunities for improvement and include first aid incidents, OSHA recordable incidents, Lost Time Incidents (LTIs), and work-related fatal incidents.


Dam Safety

AES Brasil's Emergency Action Plan (PAE)

AES Brasil, in partnership with the Municipalities and Municipal Civil Defense of the State of São Paulo, is implementing the Emergency Action Plan (PAE) to ensure even greater safety for the communities living around our Hydroelectric Dams. The EAP is a requirement of Federal Law 14.066/2020, which establishes preventive actions for companies that own dams in Brazil.

Implementing the PAE is a preventive and legal measure. Our plants are constantly monitored, within our Asset Management safety guidelines and recurring annual maintenance to ensure best safety practices. Since their implementation, there has never been a record that could compromise the plants' infrastructure. Click here to access the full plans.